3D Printed Concrete

As you have read in the previous posts, 3D printing technology is very exciting and have massive application in various field. Another exciting research work is going on in the field of 3d printing which is the development of 3D printed concrete. Imagine a printer could make concrete just by printing to build a villa … Read more

3D Printed Elastic Conductors for Wearable Electronics

3D printing, a future-ready technology is in its early development stage and making the complex structure is very tough. However, a breakthrough has been achieved by using the 3D printing technique in the field of wearable technology. Recently, a 3D-printed elastic component has been developed by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) could … Read more

3D-Printed Heart for Human

The human heart is one of the most important and amazing organs along with its complex structure as well as functioning. If it is functioning well, then all goes well, however, a minor problem in this organ could cause major damage in future. In the case of heart failure, transplantation is the only solution, However, … Read more